Genus ViewMinder 2.0

Genus ViewMinder 2.0

ViewMinder is the professional power for your image collection
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2.0 See all
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Load images from a camera, phone, scanner or CD, or drag-and-drop them from other sources like e-mail.
Edit and improve them them with ViewMinder's built-in image editor or your favourite external editor.
Browse and sort your pictures by date, country, lightbox, photographer, person, location or event shown.
Copy, resize and rename them for friends or colleagues, write them to CDs or send them as e-mail.
Print paper copies using your own printer or order professional, long lasting photos on line.
Archive your images with complete details of content, author, location and technical characteristics. Suitable for film management, too.
Record image use. Find pictures quickly by searching for words, characteristics, conditions or even past usage.



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